As you can see winter has arrived here in Northern Nevada.
We have had below zero temperatures as low as minus 12 degrees.
With temperatures that low it requires we plug in the diesel tow vehicle.
It starts a lot better if it has been warmed up first.
I don't know if you can see the orange cord snaking from the front of the truck.
As for the fiver it is wrapped snuggly in its cover.
Hopefully this will be the last time we have to do this.
The snow looks pretty from the front porch when you are inside with the heat on.
Guess we will have to wait for spring before we see softball games again.
The partially finished gazebo is the storage place for all the summer things.
For some reason when it is this cold outside propane won't flow so I can't even grill a good steak.
I am jealous of all the snowbirds down south in warm weather.
We hope this all melts by the end of March so we can pull the fiver out and get ready to head to our first Workamper job in Minnesota.
Hope everyone has a joyous Christmas and a enjoyable New Years.
See all of you on the road in the spring.